Stallion for Production

This section covers how to promote a bundle to production.

Stallion for Production

Stallion enables you to promote thoroughly tested bundles directly to production, ensuring that your users receive the latest updates. With a single click, you can distribute your feature to millions of users.

And don’t worry—we also offer a phased rollout feature to help you deploy smoothly without any hiccups.


Before continuing, please verify that both the SDK and CLI are installed. If they aren’t, consult our Installation Guide.

Step 1: Publish bundle to Stallion

First step to build and push updated bundle to Stallion. Check Publishing Bundle To Stallion

Step 2: Promote build to production

A Stallion build (uploaded bundle) can be promoted to production directly from the Stallion Dashboard. Simply select the build you want to send to your users from a bucket and click on Promote Bundle. Fill in the target app version for which you want to send the release, add the release notes and save.


Only users with admin privileges within the organization are allowed to promote a bundle to production.

Alt text for the image

Your promoted bundles are available under Releases section in the dashboard Alt text for the image


By default, the rollout percentage for a release is set to 0%, meaning only users logged into the SDK will receive the update initially. This feature can also be leveraged for testing in production environments.

Manually pause or rollback a release

A promoted release can be paused or rolled back from the Dashboard by editing the Releases section. Alt text for the image


When a release is paused, it will no longer get downloaded for any new users in production. You can also unpause a release later.


When a release is rolled back manually i.e. from dashboard, it will be removed from the memory and app will fall back to the previous stable release. Remember that a rolled back release is also paused by default. Does not get downloaded for any new users.

Manual rollback is useful in case you accidentally send a faulty release to production.