CLI Usage & API Reference

This section contains usage and APIs provided by the CLI


Before accessing any features, you must log in to the CLI while ensuring you are in a React Native project directory.

npx stallion login

Executing this command will launch a web browser where you need to log in. Once logged in, click Copy Access Token, then return to the terminal and paste the token.

Publish Bundle


Every published bundle is stored in a Bucket. Before publishing your first bundle, make sure a Bucket is created in the Stallion Console

After successfully logging in, you can use the publish-bundle command to deploy packages for both Android and iOS.

npx stallion publish-bundle --upload-path=<orgname>/<project-name>/<bucket-name> --platform=<android/ios> --release-note="<notes>"


You can access <orgname>/<project-name>/<bucket-name> required in command above using the Copy bundle path shortcut in Stallion Console inside your bucket's lising page.


  1. --upload-path

Specifies the target location for uploading the current bundle:

# testorg is org name
# firstproj is project name
# featurebucket is bucket name

You can find and copy the upload path from the Bucket Overview page in the Stallion Dashboard Console.

  1. --platform

Defines the platform for which the bundle will be published (android or ios):

  1. --release-note (Optional)

Allows you to add release notes for the bundle:

--release-note="changed something"
  1. --hermes-disabled (Optional) This flag is set to false by default, but you can enable it if needed.


Hermes is enabled by default in Stallion CLI. If you want to disable hermes then set this flag to true.

  1. --ci-token (Optional)

Used for overriding the user token, especially recommended for CI pipelines:


You can generate CI Token from the dashboard under project settings.

  1. --bundle-name (Optional)

Default bundle name for android and for ios main.jsbundle. You can override these defaults:

  1. --entry-file (Optional)

The default entry file is index.js, but you can specify a different file:



To switch accounts, you can log out of the CLI at any time.

npx stallion logout