API Reference

This section contains the API Reference provided by Stallion SDK


withStallionHOC method for Stallion wrapped appwithStallion(App)
useStallionModalReact hook to control Stallion modalconst { showModal } = useStallionModal();, then call showModal from anywhere
useStallionUpdateReact hook to get status of a production releaseconst { isRestartRequired, currentlyRunningBundle, newReleaseBundle } = useStallionUpdate();. isRestartRequired is a boolean which tells if a new release is available and app needs to be restarted to install the release. currentlyRunningBundle, newReleaseBundle are objects containing meta information about a Stallion Release like isMandatory, release notes, version etc.
addEventListenerFunction to listen to SDK events related to a Stallion releaseStallion.addEventListener(callback). Callback will return an event object with a type and payload. Events can be DOWNLOAD_STARTED, DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, UPDATE_INSTALLED, AUTO_ROLLBACK etc
syncFunction to manually trigger Stallion workflow to check for a new available release and download it in memoryStallion.sync(). Trigger this method from anywhere in your app code to manually trigger a check workflow. Useful if you want to have a custom download strategy. By default Stallion.sync() is automatically fired everytime app is restarted or resumed.

Android APIs

getJSBundleFileFunction to receive the JS bundle URL for your RN app. It expects 2 arguments. 2nd argument is optional - getJSBundleFile(<your-application-context>, <default bundle URL value>)Stallion.getJSBundleFile(getApplicationContext(), "assets://index.android.bundle")


getBundleURLFunction to receive the JS bundle URL for your RN app. It expects 1 optional parameter - [StallionModule getBundleURL:<your-default-bundle-url-value>[StallionModule getBundleURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"]]